Client Questionnaire




Thank you for your interest in owning a CJM Puppy!

If you would like to own one of our Boston Terriers or Boxers, please begin the process by filling out the questionnaire below.

Once your application is reviewed, an email will be sent letting you know if your application was approved for a face-to-face video call. This call is important for both us as the breeder, and you, the prospective puppy family. It's also a great time to ask any questions and to get to know each other better. 

We always try to find the best possible homes and environment for our dogs. Due to various reasons, not all applicants are a good fit and some are not selected.

Our puppies are reserved through photos, videos, and live FaceTime calls. We do not have in person options as the puppies are too young for visits and handling. 

Client Questionnaire